Mrs. Jyori HIremath
HOD, Dept. of Fashion Design,
Mobile- 9890031273
Email ID - jyotirhiremath@gmail.com

Mrs. Shweta Patil
HOD, Dept. of Food Technology
Mobile - 9503678778
Email ID - shweta310388@gmail.com

Ar. Amarr Mestry
HOD, Dept. of Interior Design
Mobile - 9860703327
Email ID - amarrmestry@gmail.com

Ms. Shamal Pawar
Coordinator, Dept. of Commerce,
Mobile- 9096808272
Email ID - shamal.pawar1@gmail.com

Ms. Anagha Raut
Coordinator, Dept. of Environment Science,
Mobile- 7875931852
Email ID - anagharaut81@gmail.com