Performance of the College

Performance of the College 2015-16
Performance of the College 2016-17
Performance of the College2017-18
Performance of the College 2018-19
Performance of the College 2019-20

Policies for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities 2018-19

College has well defined Policy and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) with regards to utilization of college infrastructure, laboratory, library, sports , computers, classrooms academic and support facilities.   The policy has helped effective utilizations available resources to an optimum level and avoids delay and penalty while returning the items issued to students such as books, sport items etc.  In science laboratory every instrument and every practical has SOP and protocol. This policy has helped in minimizing waste of time and substantially increased safety measures in the laboratory.  Laboratroy assistants , staff members and students are trained on use of fire extinguishers in case of any emergency in the laboratories.   Some of the other outcome of policy matter of college is given below : 
-  Ergonomically furniture seating arrangement for teachers and  students. 
-  Facility for physically disabled:
- The ramp is provided to the physically disabled students. W.C. is constructed in the existing utility.
- Library Facility: Library Advisory Committee, its composition and significant initiatives have been implemented by the committee to render the library, student / user friendly. The Advisory Committee of the library is comprised of the Principal, librarian and Heads of all the departments. Learning needs are provided to the readers as per their requirement. The committee has initiated and carried out several activities such as
 - Announcement of latest arrivals. 
- Increasing the book loan facility from one to two books per student per week.
- Provision of reprographic facility to cater to the needs of users. 
- Provision of internet facility and INFLIBNET facility to cater to learner needs.
- Provision of UPS backup to library in case of power outage. 
- Provision of comfortable seating arrangement to provide ease while reading. 
- Increase in number of racks to accommodate increased number of books and volumes. 

•    Purchase committee: College has constituted a purchase committee consisting of respective Heads of the department, Office superintendent and Principal   to identify the needs of the each programme  and process the same by calling the quotation for various requirement  from the competent suppliers. Comparative statement is placed before the management for placing order.
•    Strict and transparent negotiations are involved with companies / vendors with the assessment of their market standings and repute. The service facilities after sales are assured.
•    For the library books order are placed through the different publications and the publisher are part of the procedure during the book exhibition for the institute.
•    Regular maintenance is been allotted for the smooth running of computer classrooms with the help of efficient personals of that field.
•    Sports material is been well maintained and kept in a continuous working state by the sports teacher and issued to students and faculties whenever required.
•    Laboratory equipment are regularly maintained / serviced by competent suppliers.
College Development Committee (CDC) :  The CDC approves all the policy matters for smooth maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities  which makes it easy for  coordinated implementation   of the same.