BSc in Food Technology and Management

B.Sc. in Food Technology and Management
Outcome of the Degree

B.Sc (Food Technology and Management) I

Communication and Soft skills

To communicate effectively orally and in writing.

to use academic writing associated with the communication discipline.


Introduction to Food Science

To gain knowledge of Food composition (including major chemical interactions and nutritional factors) in the context of food quality and safety

Principles of Food Preparation and Preservation

To gain knowledge about  the principles involving food preservation by moisture control, application of heat, removal of heat, chemical additives, fermentation and emerging technologies

Human Physiology

To understand the functions of important physiological systems including the cardiovascular,respiratory, renal, endocrine  and digestive systems;

Food Chemistry

To understand reactions of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins during storage and processing of food and how these influence the quality and properties of the food.

Understand the importance of water for stability and quality of foods.

Understand the chemistry of additives influencing colour and flavor of food knowledge on

To Gain knowledge related to important sources of vitamins and minerals in food and their functions


Fundamentals of Food Microbiology

Explain types, characteristics and significance of microorganisms • Describe the structure and functions of major components of microbial cells • Understand the concept of microbial growth, its measurement and growth curves,factors influencing their growth and survival. • Classify microorganisms based on nutrition • Isolate bacteria on solid media • Discuss various methods of sterilization and disinfection

Introduction to computer

To apply knowledge of computer appropriate to the discipline.Students will attain an ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice.

B.Sc (Food Technology and Management) II

Human Nutrition

Students will be able to gain knowledge related to age wise nutrition

Cereal legume and oil seed technology

 Understand the basic composition and structural parts of food grains.

 Aware the importance of physico-chemical properties of food grains

 Understand the basics of milling operations for food grains

Identify the problems associated with milling of grains and their solution.

 Know processing food grains into value added products

Analytical Techniques Operation of the basic laboratory instruments · Principle, theory and working of the advanced analytical techniques

Food Biochemistry

Metabolism of Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats and related disorders, regulation of acid base balance,study  of enzymes,hormones


Food MicrobiologyTo understand role of microorganisms in food industries,I food spoilage and food infections

Dairy Technology

To understand  processes involved in production of milk and milk products. Classify and explain the different types of milk products Be able to explain organization and operations involved in milk processing unit

Agri-business Management

 To study processing, warehousing, distribution, marketing and retailing of the products used in agriculture. It encompasses farm planning, weather forecasting, research, soil management, seed production, machinery, harvesting, marketing of produce, storage, supply chain operations, financing, food processing, retailing and much more. All the activities ranging from farm planning to getting the food


B.Sc (Food Technology and Management) III

Therapeutic Nutriion

To study the role of diet in different disease conditions and to plan a diet accordingly

Bakery and Confectionery

Animal Product TechnologyStudents will be able to learn the skills required in pre-slaughtering.. Students will be able learn the skills required for slaughtering and dressing of Livestock.. Students will be able to learn the preservation techniques used in meat/fish/ poultry based products.. Students will be able to learn the quality evaluation techniques used in Livestock processing industries.

Processing and preservation of fruits and VegetablesStudents will able to preserve the fruits and vegetables and make their products to make available them in off season.. Student will able to provide solution for spoilage of fruit and vegetables while handling and storage.. Students will able to learn storage of fruits and vegetables in perfect consumable condition for a longer time without change in its nutritional value. Students will learn to extend the shelf life of the fruits and vegetable products with use of various preservation techniques. Students will learn to prepare value added products from the fruits and vegetables so that farmers will get more income


Food,Quality ,Safety and Waste management

Students will able to understand the food quality aspects and need of food safety. .Students will able to understand the various regulatory aspects for food business operators Students will able to understand the various voluntary standards for food processing industries. Students will recognize and communicate common processing methods which converts food waste into valuable products

Community Nutrition

Students will be able to understand the role of diet in prevention of disease in community that will help in maintaining the health of community with the help of national and international agencies

Industrial Business Management

To understand the  conceptual learning skills in today's business environment. Analyse financial performance of an organization. Evaluate organizational decisions with consideration of the political, legal and ethical aspects of business. Assess strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the business environment.